Maths Problem Solving Cards Year 1 - Statistics and Chance from Hope Education
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Hope Statistics and Chance ‐ Year 1Problem Solving Strategies and Skills Maths CardsEmbed Mathematical Problem‐Solving and Reasoning
The Problem‐Solving Strategies and Skills Maths Cards provide a wide variety of motivating and high‐interest problem‐solving activities
There are three boxes for each year level, Year 1 to Year 6, comprising:� 30 Number and Algebra cards, plus answers� 30 Measurement and Geometry cards, plus answers� 30 Statistics and Chance cards, plus answersEach box also includes a problem‐solving process card, and a problem‐solving strategies card, to guide and provide support to children as they progress through each stage and box set
The front of each card has a mathematics word problem for pupils to solve and the reverse of each card has an extension activity for more able pupils
The problems involve one or several steps, require the use of a variety of strategies and skills and are supported by colourful artwork
The features of the Problem‐Solving boxes include:� Excellent resources to support problem‐solving, an essential component of the maths curriculum;� Varied, real‐life and challenging problems;� Activities that enable pupils to practise maths concepts taught in class through problems
The Problem‐solving cards also provide lots of opportunities for reflective teaching and focus on pupil thinking in problem‐solving
Year 1 Statistics and Chance� The concept of statistics and chance are introduced to the pupil through reality‐based familiar experiences
� These reality based experiences allows the development of problem‐solving in an environment that can remain relevant and of understanding to the pupil
� The cards give pupils the opportunity to develop skills in the area of statistical thinking