The Alpha Electronics Kits have been designed to incorporate electronic applications into Physics lessons
The various boards offer versatility and cover a wide range of topics
Both student and teacher notes are included
Each kit is suitable for one student or lab group working from the student notes
The Alpha GCSE Physics student kit (for one working group) has been designed to cover the common electronic content of all GCSE syllabuses
All stored in a Gratnells tray with lid
Topics covered are the potential divider, characteristics of light ‐ dependent resistor and thermistor, transistor as a switch and as a current gain device, logic gates (AND, OR and NOT)
The use of sensing devices to control an output device provides an opportunity to apply their understanding of signals and simple signal processing, including conversion of a gradual analogue change into a digital on/off signal, for use in logic systems
The kit contents include:1 x Alpha Power Supply Regulator Board.1 x Comparator.1 x Inverter.1 x Two Input OR Gate.1 x Two Input AND Gate.1 x Transistor Switch/Indicator.1 x Diode Unit.1 x Temperature Sensing Unit.1 x Rain Sensing Unit.2 x Switch Unit.1 x Light Sensing Unit.1 x Input Voltage Unit.1 x 100k Potentiometer.1 x Power Link Board.1 x Alphalink (Brown).5 x Alphalink (Yellow).1 x Buzzer Unit.1 x Bulb UnitPLEASE NOTE: To power the system, the Alpha Power Supply Regulator Board is included
This takes 8 to 12V d
or a
from any bench power supply and converts it to a regulated 5V d
with a centre tap at 2.5V
It limits the current supplied to an Alpha circuit to 0.5A
It is the ideal way to power Alpha, virtually eliminating risks of accidental overload and incorrect polarity