This Rhino A4 Refill Pad is 160 ruled pages just waiting for free‐flowing thoughts, important notes, and essential reminders
And with education‐standard paper, every word is just as clear and legible on both sides of the sheet
� A no‐fuss refill � no clever cover or unusual detail
Just 160 pages of beautifully empty ruled paper with 8mm feint lines and a margin
We�ll leave the clever stuff to you
� Quick and neat tear‐out with a simple tape binding along the side and 2 pre‐punched holes for easy filing� The size you�d expect
We considered octagonal paper to spice things up, but in the end stuck to A4 sheets (297 x 210mm approx
)� Help Save the Rhino with our regular donations to the UK charity � over �80,000 since 2006� From the team at Rhino, the leading brand for education stationery